This October, we ask our community to reflect on and support populations that are disproportionately oppressed through domestic violence. To honor those affected by domestic violence, check in with your local shelters and service providers to find out how you can best support their efforts to end domestic violence. Alpha Chi Omega also encourages our sisters, alumnae and chapters to use these social media assets to help spread awareness for our philanthropy and education: #AXODVAM
Sara Duran is an initiate of Alpha Psi (The University of California, Los Angeles) and currently resides in Phoenix, Arizona. She has 2 kitties, Rikki and Charlie. Sara is currently working as a marketing assistant at a local non-profit. As a collegiate, she was Warden, VP Ritual & Fraternity Appreciation, and the voting delegate for her chapter at convention. As an alumna, she has done application reviews for awards and signed up to be a mentor! Her favorite Alpha Chi memory was dressing up for “raids” and coming up with costumes from what she could pull from her sisters’ closets. Her favorite costume was for Halloween her senior year, where she made a hot dog costume from scratch and her best friends were mustard & ketchup. In her free time, she works at her small business that you can follow at @sarabecreating!
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