Alpha Chi Omega Kappa Omicron Kappa Alumnae Chapter The Carnation Post
November 2017
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, November 7, 6:00 PM--KOKorks--Create a Thanksgiving Centerpiece at Danielle Jackola's Home Join us for a crafting extravaganza! We're making adorable autumn centerpieces out of wine corks that will look great on your Thanksgiving table. This is a BYOC (bring your own corks) event. Luckily, you have plenty of time of time to enjoy some wine and save the corks before the event. (Or, you can stop by a wine tasting bar and ask for their discarded corks. And of course, you can buy just about anything on Amazon.) RSVP to Linda Sheldone. Philanthropy--Diaper Drive for Carol's House
Thursday, November 16, 11:30 AM--Lunch Bunch at Solterra Winery and Kitchen, 934 N. Coast Hwy 101, Encinitas Enjoy the society of your sisters over lunch at this charming spot. RSVP to Stephanie Sibley by Tuesday, November 14, so she can make the reservation. Philanthropy--Diaper Drive for Carol's House
Monday, December 11, 6:00 PM--My Favorite Things Holiday Celebration at Donna Poey's Home Eat, drink, and be merry as we kick off the festive holiday season. We'll be holding a My Favorite Things gift exchange, where each sister brings one of her favorite things and goes home with a new favorite. RSVP to Linda Sheldone.
Welcome, KOK Members!
Our KOK alumnae chapter is now 44 members strong. Please welcome new and returning members who recently paid their dues.
New Members: Lynn Arnold-Jaques Andi Bakken Chelsea Curran Kristin Erickson Rory Tehrune
Returning Members: Anna Howard Carol Ryan Sandra Whitson
Get to Know Your Board Members
We'll periodically feature new and returning board members. This month, we welcome Rachel Harrington, KOK's new social media chair.
Rachel is an alumna of Iota Nu at UC San Diego. She maintains close ties to her alma mater--she's currently employed there as an administrative assistant. She's a San Diego native who now lives in El Cajon with her five dogs: Roxi, Simba, Nova, Rocket and Eddie. In addition to romping with her dogs, Rachel enjoys reading, enjoying the sunshine at local beaches, reading, crafting, and spending time with family. Rachel is always up for trying new things and exploring new places. She says that her secret to success is a positive attitude.
Thanks for joining the KOK board, Rachel!
Sisters Snaps
This is your space to celebrate notable career achievements, marriages, anniversaries, and births. Please submit news and photos to Alexa K. Apallas.
On October 15, alumnae and collegians gathered at UC San Diego to celebrate Founders' Day and the 25th anniversary of Iota Nu. In total, 50 sisters attended the brunch, including 30 Iota Nu collegians and 20 alumnae from 10 different chapters. Also present were four legacies: Zahava Botvinick, Lindsey Bundy, Lilly Hoy, and Alyssa Sheldone.
Linda Bundy, founding chapter advisor of Iota Nu, gave six Iota Nu members their 25-year pins: Alisa Mittelstaedt, Joanna Rice, Tina Frey, Shannon Turk, Laura Alper, and Jen Voss.
Founder's Day Challenge - We Made an Impact!
KOK is the proud recipient of a $1,000 community grant because sisters used the @AXOFDCLOVE hashtag to explain why they chose to make an impact. Here's the blurb from the Heights & Highlights quartlerly newsletter:
The Founders’ Day Challenge was a success due to so many generous alumnae and collegians choosing to make an impact this year. Alpha Chi Omega celebrated Founders’ Day for 25 days to represent the 25 years Alpha Chi Omega has supported domestic violence awareness.
Sisters could choose from three projects within the campaign: Real. Strong. Woman Fund, Domestic Violence Awareness Initiatives and Let’s Talk Love programming. Our goal was to raise $165,000 during that time, and we did it!
We also gave out seven $1,000 community grants to three Impact 25 chapters and four alumnae or alumnae chapters who used the #AXOFDCLOVE with why they chose to make an impact. Collegiate chapter community grant winners: Gamma Tau/Oklahoma City University, Alpha Beta/Purdue University, Beta Eta/Bradley University Alumnae chapter community grant winners: Rho Phi Rho – Huntington, West Virginia (virtual); Delta Eta Delta – Arlington, Texas; Epsilon Tau Epsilon – Tallahassee, Florida; Kappa Omicron Kappa – San Diego (North Coast), California
Mark your calendars! Giving Tuesday is November 28, and what better way to give back to Alpha Chi Omega than honoring our sisterhood?
Philanthropy Corner
KOK continues to collect personal care items for Carol's House, a shelter for victims of domestic violence. Throughout November, we're also holding a diaper drive to benefit Carol's House. You can bring diapers to the KOKorks event on November 7 or to Lunch Bunch on November 16. Can't make those dates but still want to donate? Just email [email protected] to arrange for pickup.
"Shopping With Your Sisters" Spotlight
KOK extends a heartfelt thank you to the three businesses who have joined the Shopping with Your Sisters program: Shay Collective, Mary Kay, and Premier Designs.
This month, we spotlight Shay Collective, which carefully curates the best of boutique brands, while creating a line to satisfy the needs of today’s busy, fun-seeking woman. Just launched in August 2017, Shay Collective has quickly become a favorite for many women. Due to high demand, the company is working to set up “Shay Stylists,” who will launch their own in-home Shay clothing boutiques!
Lynn and her partner Gayle, founders of Shay Collective, have always loved design and the creative women whose personalities and fashion choices have created iconic style. So when the two met, they knew that a partnership was in their future.
Lynn is a former marketing studio owner, managing marketing campaigns for many national and regional companies. Her partner Gayle is a former design and merchandising director for some major apparel brands. When they discovered their mutual passion they decided to team up to create their own lifestyle boutique collection. Both Gayle and Lynn find inspiration in the strength, diversity and determination of their kids. And their daughters serve as their style muses and frequently model Shay Collective Designs. There is something about the lack of concern for being “in fashion” that comes from their daughters that fuels the founders' love for the “confident individualist.”
The Shay Collective name came from Lynn’s daughter Kasey. As a toddler, she couldn’t say her name and would ofter tell people it was Shay Shay. It stuck and became a symbol of flexibility and improvisation.
Visit and follow the company on Facebook and Instagram @shaycollective for the latest styles.
KOK members who own their own business are invited to join the Shopping with Sisters program, which provides advertising and helps KOK generate money for its programs. Download the form to secure your spot today. We hope all our KOK sisters will support the businesses who are supporting us!
Collegiate News
Kappa Lambda You know the old saying, “You can't really understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes?” The Kappa Lambda chapter at University of San Diego gave the community an opportunity to do just that. On October 26, Kappa Lambda hosted the annual Walk A Mile in Her Shoes, a campuswide walk in solidarity to raise awareness for domestic violence. The event is a lighthearted way to get the community talking about a difficult subject: unhealthy relationships, specifically, sexualized violence. During the walk, men traditionally wear heels and women are asked to wear Converse. Why Converse? To start the converse-ation about preventing domestic abuse and developing healthy relationships.
Facts about domestic violence:
1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been physically abused by their intimate partner
In the US, an average of 20 people are physically abused by intimate partners every minute
Every 9 seconds in the US, a woman is assaulted or beaten
We believe these statistics are much too high, and we believe that by starting a conversation, we can change the stats.
Proceeds from this event primarily go to Becky’s House, a safe house for victims of domestic violence. Becky’s House provides a 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, transitional housing, legal support, and supportive services to both men and women. The remainder of the proceeds of this event are donated to the philanthropy of the organization (sorority or fraternity) with the most attendees.
Iota Nu Iota Nu celebrated its 25th anniversary on Founders' Day! Check out the Sister Snaps section to see photos of the celebration.
Help Alpha Chi Omega Improve Collegiate Housing
Fraternities and sororities provide more than 370,000 students a one-of-a-kind housing experience, and for many of us, being part of the Greek community was the highlight of our college experience. Fraternity and sorority members are among the most engaged students on campus, yet under the current tax code, donations toward building and maintaining our houses are restricted from receiving full tax deductions.
This hinders our ability to make critical safety improvements and keep homes up-to-date for students who need more affordable options. But there is a way to fix this!
We need your help to tell Congress that the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act must be included in upcoming tax reform. CHIA, which has always enjoyed bipartisan support, would allow all not-for-profit student housing to be treated the same under the law. This would enable charitable funds earmarked for housing purposes to be given to foundations allowing for more safe, modern and affordable fraternity and sorority housing.
It's easy to make your voice heard. Go to to contact your legislator about this important issue.