Alpha Chi Omega Kappa Omicron Kappa Alumnae Chapter The Carnation Post
March 2022
Upcoming Events
San Diego Botanic Garden Saturday, March 5 at 10:00 am 230 Quail Gardens Drive | Encinitas, CA 92024 Spend the morning with your sisters as we visit this 37-acre urban oasis. The garden has four miles of trails and displays over 5,000 plant species and varieties. Tickets must be purchased ahead of time. Please click here to purchase tickets for March 5 at 10:00 am time slot.
International Badge Day 2022 Monday, March 7 NPC invites you to wear your sorority badge with pride all day long! Tell us about what impact your sorority experience had on you and why you still proudly wear your badge today! Share your photos here and across social media using #BadgeDay22.
Carte Blanche Thursday, March 17 at 11:30 am 339 N Cleveland | Oceanside, CA 92054 Enjoy the society of your sisters over lunch at this charming spot. RSVP to Stephanie Sibley by Tuesday, March 15, so she can make the reservation. Click here to view the rest of our Lunch Bunch dates through June 2022.
Hall of Commitment Monday, April 25 at 6:00 pm Mission Beach Women's Club |840 Santa Clara Place | San Diego, CA 92109 Kappa Omicron Kappa and Gamma Zeta Gamma Alumnae Chapters will host Hall of Commitment for the San Diego collegiate chapters of Gamma Nu, Iota Nu, Iota Tau, and Kappa Lambda. Please join us to welcome our senior sisters to life as an alumna!
Renew Your KOK Membership or Join Today!
We're mixing some well-loved classics, like our holiday party and our Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday event, with exciting new events (ax throwing, anyone?). KOK members enjoy a supportive community of sisters and valuable networking opportunities. Your membership dues help KOK support three local collegiate chapters – Iota Nu (UCSD), Kappa Lambda (USD) and Iota Tau (CSUSM). A portion of your dues also goes to the national organization to provide Alpha Chi Omega the resources needed for alumnae programming for all.
On February 10, sisters gathered together to celebrate "Alpha Chi Night Out" with an evening of wine, dessert, and good company.
Our sisters had an amazing meal together at The Crack Shack Encinitas.
Collegiate News
Every year, Kappa Omicron Kappa Alumnae Chapter awards one scholarship to each of the three collegiate chapters that we support; Iota Nu, Iota Tau, and Kappa Lambda. We need your help to read the applications and provide feedback! If you are interested in joining our Scholarship Committee, please send us an email at [email protected].
News from Headquarters
Join us as we seek the heights together in Bellevue, Washington, for our 61st National Convention. Connect with your sisters and with Alpha Chi Omega. In 2022, national convention is planned to be held in person, for a sisterhood experience unlike any other.
As we enjoy spending time together, we’ll have additional time and opportunities for networking, sisterhood and making once-in-a-lifetime memories with friends new and old. We cannot wait to see you there!
Kappa Omicron Kappa supportsCarol’s Housein San Diego by providing “Welcome Bags” each year. We have an Amazon Wish List of the supplies we are in need of to assemble these bags. Items range from $2.99 to $19.46. We hope you can participate in this call for the shelter’s essential items. Thank you sisters!